Sunday, June 9, 2013


How the hell did you ever pick me? Honestly, I could sing you a song, but I don't think words can express your beauty If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn-Sleeping With Sirens
The title or whatever it's called on here is just because I was too lazy to think of one, so I just put the title of the song I'm currently listening to(Hypnotize-SOAD)
I'm so sore. I had a soccer game yesterday, first of the tournament, and we actually won thanks to mein liebe. The first game we've won the entire season. The entire team was fucking ecstatic.
So, around eight, I had Lauren pick me up and we (her, her family, and I) went to Celebrate Fairfax. Which was freaking amazing. Mostly because I was with the girl I've liked practically since I met her. There were fireworks after it got dark, and if you know me, you know I have a weird obsession with colorful explosions. Anyway, the entire night was the best thing ever, and when I say the entire night, I mean the entire night. I got home at one in the morning. I got sent straight to bed, which I probably would've done anyway, considering today's planned events.
I had to wake up at eleven. Reason: Travel tryouts from one to two thirty. I got there after drinking a thing of coffee to wake me up and found that I knew four of the fifteen girls. None of which liked me because I don't conform to society. I was the only one who'd never tried out before, and one of two that haven't played on school teams. So I was the odd one out. I was also the worst on the field in my opinion. I've pretty much excepted that I probably won't make the team, but whatever. Anyway, two thirty came and I got back in the car, tired and sweaty and smelling like soccer, and we drove to Haymarket for part two of the tournament games. Yeah, hour and a half tryouts straight to a game.
I had another coffee to try to make me a little hyper, but it didn't work too well. I was too tired and ended up screwing up a lot. I played as well as I could, but I felt like I was gonna crash.
But I'm not sure being at my best would've made much of a difference. Most of the team had come deciding they didn't really want to play. So we ended up losing 3-0 because five to eight out of twenty-ish players had to do all of the work.
Season- Goals for: 2; goals against: who even knows. Games won: exactly one; games lost: most of them. But even though we only made 2 goals and won one game, we still wound up with second place trophy. Which is hilariously sad.
Over all, my weekend was pretty awesome. Mostly because of the amount of time I spent with mein liebe.
Oh, in case it wasn't obvious, the female mentioned in "Luck, help me out" actually said yes. Which made me extremely fucking happy. I had a spazz explosion when that happened. I honestly thought she'd say otherwise. Holding her hand makes me so much happier than is probably healthy, lol. Seriously though, I don't think she understands how she makes me feel. (Yeah, I'm fifteen, so what?)

Also, good luck on your final, Eris mommy. I have confidence in you. I can tell you you'll do a lot better than I will. -.-

Deanna, here's your shout out. Calm yo tits! lol. We needa hang out. I haven't seen you in forevers.

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