Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hi Lauren, lol

Move, and show us what you can do, when you step into the circle and shake like we do Move by Thousand Foot Krutch This song is addictive, lol.
So the pet store was wrong. The hamsters were not both male. I went to clean out their enclosure today and I opened the loft and Innocence is all like "HEY BITCH! JUST KIDDING, I'M FEMALE! AND LOOK AT MY CHILDREN!" And she just peed out the side of the cage... lovely. We had to separate her and Iggy.
Frank is glaring at me. He really needs turtle lotion on his face, but he thinks my finger is a worm, so I'm unable to apply it. He took a chunk out of my thumb once.
I just finished going through my friend Lauren's blogs. Realized that I really ignore mine, lol.
Yeah, so I really don't have anything to talk about other than the whole hamster children surprise. I guess I'll post some poems? I'll post two really long ones!
Here's the first. I actually have a series of these going, calling it the Dear You series. This one is about my best friend from like 1st-3rd grade or so. Back when I was living in Oklahoma.

Dear you,
You, who always had space in your car for me, even though you were a family of nine in an average mini van.
You, who I met in kindergarten because your tooth was loose and you were freaking out, so I punched you and it fell out, but somehow we became friends anyway.
You, who helped me be totally oblivious to how much crap I was going through.
You, who I spent every weekend with, who I knew everything about, who I saved from going to the hospital because I made you eat.
You, whose chihuahua ate my crock, because apparently I was able to wear those, even with my sensitivity issues
I don’t know where you are now.
I don’t know if you’re alive.
I don’t know if you continued eating even after I moved in third grade.
You, who got adopted by a relative, (your aunt? It seemed irrelevant to me), and spent a week happier than I’d ever seen anyone.
I didn’t know what that meant.
I still don’t know if your last name is Hoffman or Ray.
I just remember how happy your happiness made me.
You, who envied me because that little red-headed boy and I hung out a lot.
I guess we were dating, that red-head and I.
I don’t count it now, we were so young.
I still think of him too, every time I hear All-Star by Smash-mouth.
You, who ran with me in Run Club even though you were severely anorexic.
I didn’t know what that word meant back then.
I didn’t quite care either.
But I didn’t let you skip a meal either.
You, who tickled me until I peed, didn’t care that I had just stained your favorite sheets, and continued tickling me.
I was embarrassed.
I actually kind of hate being tickled now.
I was lying, I love being tickled, depending on the person.
You, who taught me how to do the stupidest things on the trampoline, but neither of us cared because it was fun.
I still think of that.
I haven’t really been on a trampoline since.
I broke the last one I was on anyways.
You, whose picture I have hanging on the wall, the one where the photographer got your whole family in one shot without cutting anyone off.
I taped it next to my bed.
I think about you all the time.
I wonder where you are.
I don’t know where you are now.
I don’t know if you’re alive.
I don’t remember you that well, but
You are the one who saved me.
(And I wonder where you are everyday, wonder who you are, wonder who you’re with, wonder if you’re okay, what you look like
And if we would still be friends today
I have changed so much
But who’s to say
You haven’t?)
This one is from my novel Mysty Eyes and Flaming Hearts. Myst's poem for the moment. It's called  Decrepit Hope
The tree stood stoically
Watching the corner of death and defiance in silence
Its bark old and white, peeling and pale
Yet it held in its branches
Hope enough for us

People passed it frequently
Never giving it a second thought
They shied from it, unsure why
But the feeling they got disrupted their lives
They preferred to continue into the black

In the night, the tree glowed
Drawing moths of every kind
Bio-luminescent for the ones who refused to give up
The minority that lived and loved
But it also drew unwanted attention

A certain spirit of the in-between
Disagreed with the life the tree lived
And decided to go against it
In the dark, the deity came
With the intention of disintegration

The bark turned from white to orange
Blazing red and blue
The spectrum of flame raged against it
It drew the moths
It scarred the moths

The fire moved vertically
Trunk to tip
Blackening weary branches
Tired of holding hope
But determination fought both depression and inferno

Grim consideration broke out amongst the moths
Away they flew, to the depths they went
Leaving the tree to fight itself and combustion
Leaving the tree to decide worthless hope or death
Leaving the tree to scorch and burn

Glass branches shatter
Hope flooding into a world of death
Roots loosen their grip on reality
Turning to ash, ready to rot
Flames have destroyed the source of all good

Desolate souls beg
They sense the great loss
And plummet
But hope isn’t quite lost
As a moth flutters in glimmering remains

As a moth flutters in the leftover dust

As a moth inhales the ashes 
Of the tree’s rejected hope

And becomes a symbol
And remains a symbol
And spreads hope
In a land where hope does not exist
Yeah... I dunno. I fail. I can't hear my music cuz my mom is being annoying.
Happy Birthday to my aunt! 
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bite.

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